The Most Powerful Report For Amazon Sellers — Signalytics
Here’s a little known fact; the biggest sellers (and I mean BIIIIIIG) get the best data. Period.
Sometimes they come by it honestly. Sometimes, not so much. But either way, it has been one of the sources of their “edge” over competitors for years.
So, it’s actually pretty exciting for me to tell you that we can now give you access to this kind of data. Completely above board. Completely white hat. Completely compliant.
But this data definitely levels the playing field. And it’s the kind of data that helps six figure sellers scale to seven figures. And seven figure sellers scale to eight. And yes….even eight figure sellers scale to nine figures!
Introducing the PFR Report
We’ve been tossing around that acronym for weeks now; P.F.R. Well, it stands for Purchase Frequency Rank. Alone, this is an amazing metric. It actually gives you the keywords that are converting to sales….and ranks them based on which ones convert the most. 😲 🤯
However, we didn’t want to stop there. It is our goal at Signalytics to offer the most comprehensive, most helpful, most MUST-HAVE data possible. And we wanted it to be valuable to both newbies and veterans alike.
So we decided to flesh out the report a bit. And yes, there’ve been some hiccups. Development had its fair share of….challenges, to say the least. If it seemed like we overhyped it, or promised too much too soon, I do apologize. But it was all because we knew that this would be ready…sooner or later.
And now it is.
Now I’m going to give you the grand tour…
Running the Report; It’s All About Competitor Data
When you first run a report, you’ll notice that if you search by keyword you’ll only get 10 ASINs in your “Selected Items” box. And if you add by ASIN, you’ll only get the one.
The thing is, the report feeds of data, so it needs MUCH more than that. Ideally, between 300 and 400 ASINs if possible. So it is important to add more by clicking “Related Items.” The data will be even more accurate if you choose related items from ASINs with the lowest BSR possible.
The next thing to do is remove irrelevant ASINs. See, this information is coming directly from Amazon, and sometimes their systems for determining relevance get their wires crossed. We don’t want to muddy the results, so it is important to remove anything that might throw irrelevant keywords into the mix.
*Quick Note: A lot of people ask “why do I need to connect my data to your system to run a report?” And this is a valid question, as everyone is, and should be, sensitive about who gets access to their data. So I will address this concern here.
First, we need to connect to the advertising API with your credentials, quite simply because Amazon throttles the information so much. Too many requests and they just shut down access for a week or a month. This way, the system stays intact and doesn’t crash or get shut down.
Next, we connect to your MWS because that gives us access to the Amazon catalog. See, the Advertising API ONLY provides ASINs. So, that cool interface you see where you can look at the pictures and titles and then choose to remove or add related items…yea…that wouldn’t exist without access to the catalog.
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s break down what’s in this amazing report.
The Most Profitable Report For Your Amazon Business
When you download your report and click the “Keyword Report” tab in the Excel spreadsheet, you’ll see these headings:
Keyword: These are the keywords our system has identified as the most relevant to your query based on the competitor ASINs you added. Our system takes into account PPC information, search information, sales information and much more to determine this list.
Popularity: This metric illustrates how popular a keyword is based on search frequency. Derived from SFR, Popularity is specific to the ASINs uploaded to the report, so it shows a score relative to that list. The higher the number, the more popular, and therefore more searched, the keyword is compared to the other keywords identified.
Competitors: This is the number of competing listings that show up for the keyword in that row.
Relevancy: This is a complex metric taken from Amazon’s API and then cross referenced for frequency across a number of fields from the listed ASINs. So, basically, Relevancy is how relevant a keyword is to the ASIN list uploaded. The higher the number, the more relevant.
Demand: This is specific to PPC demand. The higher the Demand number the more aggressively it is being bid on by competitors. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. A keyword with high demand yet opportunities in other metrics could indicate low hanging fruit. At the same time, high demand can also indicate extreme competitiveness in the ad space. Also note that aggressive bidding doesn’t necessarily mean by many sellers. It could also indicate a single competitor’s efforts at dominating PPC for that one keyword.
Monthly Sold: This is how many units are sold from that keyword, based on a number of data inputs and complex algorithms. This number is a representative of the entire market, not just the ASINs input.
Daily Sold: This is how many units are sold per day from that keyword. This is derived from the Monthly Sold metric and therefore is representative of the entire market, not just the ASINs in the report.
PFR: This is the purchase frequency rank based on the ASINs input. Basically, the lower the rank, the more sales that keyword generates. So the number one ranked keyword generates more sales than the number two ranked keyword for the ASINs in your report.
Search Volume: This is how many times per month the keyword in that row is searched on Amazon.
Daily N2R Sold: N2R stands for “Need to Rank”. This metric suggests how many units you would need to sell in order to rank “top of fold” or otherwise within the top five positions on page one for that keyword.
N2R7: Need to Rank seven days. This indicates how many total units you would need to sell within a seven day period to rank. This metric is specifically for new listings (less than a month old) as a suggestion for a starter promotion campaign, as it is much easier and takes less time to rank for newer listings.
N2R14: Need to Rank fourteen days. This is the total number of units you would need to sell to rank for the keyword over a fourteen day period. This is the standard promotion campaign length for most listings.
High: This is the high end of the bid range for the keyword in PPC.
Low: This is the low end of the bid range for the keyword in PPC.
Recommended: This is the recommended bid for the keyword in PPC.
Type: This is the recommended match type for the keyword in PPC.
The Goal of the PFR Report
Ultimately the PFR report is designed for anyone, regardless of their level of experience, to be able to know exactly how to attack a product launch in terms of promotions and PPC advertising.
This can be useful for both new launches or re-launches. Our recommendations are built with a heavy emphasis on Amazon data, but also extrapolating where necessary certain details with our own algorithms. As a trusted source of accurate information, we are confident this report will be a game changer for your business.
Get your first PFR report FREE!
Click HERE to sign up (if you haven’t already).
Click HERE to login and get started running your report!
Originally published at on November 30, 2020.